A lot of guys would tell you that you need to have a big dick to succeed at sex free websites like https://banglocals.net. A lot of guys would tell you that if you’re looking for free sex, you need to have a nice car. A lot of guys would tell you that you have to have a lot of muscles or you have to look really good. You have to at least look like George Clooney or Brad Pitt or Leonardo Dicaprio or Denzel Washington.
What if I told that all of these are bullshit? In fact, they’re not just bullshit, they’re flat-out lies that are designed to hold you back and drag you down.
Now, you probably will have a tough time because your whole world will shatter because your whole intellectual construction of how to meet and fuck is in jeopardy, so you probably would get out of here kicking and screaming. You probably would not have a tough time with this realization. But regardless of what kind of drama you have to go through, you have to wrap your mind around this one central fact. None of that shit works.
Because it’s not about the things that define you externally that really matters. You can lose your car and still be a winner. You can lose all your money and still come out ahead. You can lose your house and still be worthwhile. Do you get what I am getting at?
My point is, the essence to any kind of transcendence in life, success, achievement, and overcoming is necessarily internal because if you place your confidence in things that rot, can be eaten by moths, can corrode, can be stolen, then you are building your house on sand.
Eventually, that storm will come. Eventually, situations will change. Eventually, the earthquake, whether economic, political, sexual or natural, will come. So all and everything that you built on these externalities will disappear.
Sounds depressing, right? So that should wake you up to the importance of internal confidence. Build your house on the solid rock of solid self-esteem.
Nobody can love you except yourself, so start loving yourself. Start giving yourself the value that you want for yourself because nobody can do it for you, not even your mom. So man the fuck up and stop being a baby and do things for yourself. That’s how you maximize your confidence so you can turn the next meet and fuck website you joined into your personal bitch.
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